
7 Nursing Home Residents in Miami Facility Test Positive for COVID-19 Virus

On April 4th, South Florida 6 reported that seven nursing home residents at Jackson Memorial’s Long-Term Care Center tested positive for COVID-19. After learning that some residents have contracted the virus, which is particularly more aggressive toward the elderly and those suffering from underlying health conditions, officials with the Florida Department of Health began implementing emergency procedures to protect the other residents.

After the cases were recorded, Jackson health officials did put out a statement saying, “The residents and their families are being notified of our comprehensive remediation plan as we remain committed to the safety of our patients and staff.” Officials also stated that for several weeks, they have been “taking every precaution possible to protect [their] staff and the vulnerable patient population at [their] nursing homes, including restricting visitors, taking the temperature of every employee as they enter the facility, and requiring everyone to wear a mask.”

In order for a nursing home to effectively combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus, all staff members must be doing their part to ensure the facility is clean and sanitized, and that all residents are being monitored and cared for in a manner that reflects what state and federal guidelines require to be followed.

Although some nursing homes in Miami have stepped up and increased their efforts in keeping residents safe, there may still be others that are failing at implementing an infection prevention and control program or aren’t tending to the residents who might be showing flu-like symptoms. While the nursing home discussed above has earned a much above average overall rating according to U.S. Medicare & Medicaid Services, there are several nursing homes in the Miami area that are not meeting state and federal guidelines.


This could mean residents living in these facilities are falling victim to neglect and possibly even abuse.


According to Medicare, there are at least 15 nursing homes in or near Miami that have earned an overall rating of below average. Of these 15 facilities, two have even been cited for abuse. As we face a global crisis that significantly impacts our aging population, now is not the time for an aging individual to be ignored, neglected, or mistreated. What that said, if you think your loved one is a victim of neglect and has suffered as a result, the Miami, FL nursing home neglect attorneys at Madalon Law are here to provide you with the legal advice you need.

While movement is limited in the state of Florida right now, that doesn’t mean our South Florida nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers aren’t prepared to do their job.


You can reach Madalon Law at:


100 N. Federal Highway, #CU5

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Phone: 954-923-0072

Website: www.madalonlaw.com

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