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Iowa nursing home is investigated after several serious problems and the death of a patient

Some nursing homes in various states around the country end up being monitored by the government. This is due to serious violations that can endanger residents. 

A nursing home in Perry, Iowa was placed on a federal watch list for numerous violations including sex abuse cases and fatalities. 

Central Iowa nursing home makes local news for serious problems

The home is located in the central part of the state on 1300 28th Street. About 40 residents are housed in the facility at any given time. A review of records of inspections from the state showed that the home was cited for one patient’s death, hiring an unlicensed caregiver, and failure to protect residents from sexual abuse. The records also show that the facility may be in serious financial trouble, which can cause staff shortages and operations problems. Other issues included a shortage of oxygen tanks due to unpaid bills from previous orders with the same vendor.

These problems have led to the home being placed on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Special Focus Facility Program. This program is essentially a list of nursing homes that are given a deadline to significantly reduce their violations, otherwise they face additional sanctions such as a total loss of funding from federal programs. Lack of funding often causes the facility to close entirely. 

The home released a formal statement which claims that they are working with program officials to improve the quality of life and care that their residents receive through various corrective measures. They claim that they have made some new hires and implemented new procedures that should reduce the possibility of future incidents.   

The reality of nursing home problems throughout the nation

Nursing home neglect and abuse is a persistent problem throughout the United States as many homes deal with staff shortages, funding issues, and people who want to take advantage of the elderly. As elderly patients in these homes consistently deal with these kinds of problems, they will receive low quality care and their chances of survival decrease. Many unsuspecting families are caught off guard by the terrible conditions inside some facilities around the country. People left in these homes can suddenly develop all kinds of health problems or injuries

When someone staying in a home is neglected or suddenly develops serious health issues, a civil injury attorney should be contacted to take legal action against the facility as soon as possible. A lawsuit is the best way to pay for the expenses associated with the illness and medical expenses. 

Get help after an incident at a nursing home

There are attorneys in the state of Iowa who focus on helping victims of nursing home abuse. Contact The Law Offices of Eells and Tronvold for more information and specific guidance based on your situation.   

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