Christopher Coleman is an associate in Lieff Cabraser’s Nashville office.
Before coming to our firm, Christopher worked as a staff attorney at the Tennessee Justice Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Prior to that, he was an associate at Lieff Cabraser after clerking for the Honorable Joan Humphrey Lefkow of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. From 2014 to the present, he has also been an Adjunct Professor at Vanderbilt University Law School.
•Ongoing Barriers to Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act, CLEARINGHOUSE REVIEW (Sept.-Oct. 2014)
•The Affordable Care Act in 2014: Are You Ready?, Nashville Bar Journal (Vol. 13, No. 6, July 2013)
•Haslam Must Get Moving on His Tennessee Plan, Op-Ed, Knoxville News Sentinel (May 11, 2013)
•NFIB v. Sebelius: An Uncertain Victory for the Affordable Care Act, Nashville Bar Journal (Vol. 12, No. 7, August 2012)
•Hospital, Watchdog at Odds Over TennCare Admissions, Op-Ed, The Tennessean (June 2, 2012)
•Nashville General There for the Underserved, Op-Ed, The Tennessean (May 30, 2012)
•Congressional Authority Covers Insurance Mandate, Op-Ed, The Tennessean (March 27, 2012)
•House Would Deny Us the Health Care They Enjoy, Op-Ed, The Tennessean (January 19, 2011)
•CALIFORNIA CLASS ACTIONS PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE (Elizabeth J. Cabraser, ed.)(Contributing Author, “Jurisdiction and Preemption,” 2007 ed., 2008 ed.; “Certification of Overtime Claims,” 2006 ed.)
•Social Movements and Social Change Litigation: Synergy in the Montgomery Bus Protest, 30 LAW AND SOCIAL INQUIRY 663 (2005)(lead author with Laurence D. Nee and Leonard S. Rubinowitz)