Don B. Pioletti, Jr. was born on August 2, 1946 in Washington, Illinois. He graduated from Eureka High School and received a Bachelor's Degree from Eureka College in 1970. He served in the Army during the Vietnam War and then graduated from George Mason University Law School in 1976. He served as an Assistant Illinois Attorney General and as an Assistant State's Attorney. From 1990 until July of 2014 he served as the Woodford County Chief Public Defense Attorney. Don was on the Heart House homeless shelter board located in Eureka, Illinois for over 23 years and served as their president in 1988. In addition, he was a Rotarian for more than 32 years and served as the Eureka Rotary President in 1989, and was the Youth Exchange Officer for 12 years. Don also served on Easter Seal's Board of Peoria, Illinois for 6 years and was the co-finance chairman for 2 years, as well as chairing several fundraisers for Peoria Easter Seals over a 10-year period; including the Miracle Miles and the Volleyball Marathon. He married Camillia J. DeVriese on June 28, 1985 and they have 3 children; Joseph, Michela and Matthew. Don B. Pioletti, Jr. and his wife attend New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, Illinois.