Law Clerk/Student Intern to the Hon. Emil F. Goldhaber, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, E.D.Pa., 1976-1977. Rates Attorney, PA Public Utility Commission, 1977-1980. Author: articles reviewing utility decisions in PA Law Weekly, 2004 and Philadelphia Legal Intelligencer, 1994-2001; "Offering Payment Options to Customers", NPPA Energy, Essent 4 (Feb. 2014); "Federal Courts Conflict Whether Electricity is a Goods", Energy Central, Energy Pulse (Jan. 24, 2014); "Strategies can Protect Utilities from Unpaid Bills", NPPA Energy, Essent 4 (Jan. 2014); "Protecting Your Utility When a Customer Files for Bankruptcy", 69 Public Power (June 2011); "Practice Pointers: Serving a Bankrupt Member", Nat'l Rural Electric Coop. Ass'n, 45 Legal Rep. Serv. 3 (June 2009); "Doctrine of Reverse Preemption," 4 ABI Health Care Newsletter 1 (Aug. 2007); "New Section 366 (c)," 45 ABA Infrastructure 6 (Summer 2006); "Section 366 Utility Motions," 19 Bankruptcy Strategist 4 (Jan. 2002); "Responding to Sec. 366 Motions", Nat'l Rural Elec. Ass'n, 37 Legal Rep. Serv. 1 (Nov. 2001); "Reducing Bad Debt Expenses," 87 J. of Amer. Water Works Assoc. 101 ( April 1995); "Keeping PRP's Out of Bankruptcy Courts," 42 J. of Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 259 (March 1992); "The Power of a Bankruptcy Court to Set Utility Rates," 5 Electricity J. 50 (Jan./Feb. 1992); "Are Bankruptcy Courts Observing State Laws?," 79 Credit World 35 (July/Aug. 1991); "Gain on Disposition of Utility Land," 108 Public Utilities Fortnightly 41 (Aug. 13, 1981). Co-Author: "Turning Municipal Claims into Dollars," Municipal Law Colloquium, Pa. Bar Institute, 1997 edition; "Recent Developments in the Law: Bankruptcy Chapters," La. Bar Assoc. (1989 & 1990 editions).