Jeff is ashareholder of the firm. He has cultivated extensiveskills inseveral areas of civil litigation, and maintains astrong interest in:
•Professional liability and medical malpractice
•Product liability
•Insurance coverage matters
•Construction dispute resolution and litigation
•Business and commercial disputes
•General liability insurance defense
•Trademark registration; trademark and copyright litigation
•Social media law
He has tried cases instate court, federal district court, and before federal administrative tribunals, and has considerable expertise in all aspects of a case leading up to trial. Jeff has practicalsensibilities and a keen mind forstrategy, and always maintains thoughtful focus on his client's best interests, bottom line, and case resolution goals. In addition to his litigation expertise, Jeff also represents businesses and individuals in various non-litigation contexts, including entity formation,structure, contracts, general business advice, and other matters.
“ What struck me the most about Lambert Coffin is how I recognized instantly the quality of the people around me. It is a perfect environment for pursuing the well-being of my clients.”
Jeff is deeply absorbed in the legal world both in Maine and on a national basis through engagement with bar associations and organizations, and he remains closely connected with the Portland community through board positions and other activities. He has beenselected by his colleagues as a Super Lawyer Rising Star every yearsince 2012. He has astrong interest in technology and the law, and is constantlyseeking to use innovative approaches to improve his own practice and the lives and work of his clients.
During his tenure at Boston University School of Law, Jeff Served as an Executive Editor for the Review of Banking and Financial Law, and worked at the Washington D.C. administrative headquarters of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in the Office of General Counsel assisting the litigation group in preparing for hearings and depositions in FINRA member disputes. Jeff was born and raised in Littleton, Colorado. He currently resides in Scarborough, Maine, where he remains a passionate advocate for Denversports teams and the western lifestyle.
Contributing Author, Unfair-Weather Friends: Social Networking and Pretrial
Discovery, Defense Research Institute, For the Defense, 2010.
Somewhere Under the Rainbow: The Journey Toward Charitable Property Tax
Exemption Solutions 28 Rev. Banking & Fin. L. 265 (2008).
Developments in Banking and Financial Law 2006-2007: III. Historical
Overview of State and Federal Regulation of Mortgage Lending, 27
Rev. Banking & Fin. L. 12 (2008).
Selected for Super Lawyers
New England Rising Stars
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Recipient, Johns Hopkins University Student Excellence Award for Leadership and Service
Board Member, Board of Directors of Regional Transportation Program, Inc.