ABOUT John D. Leidy

Is this attorney Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review rated?
Yes, John D. Leidy has a 4.7 Peer Rating from Martindale-Hubbell.
Does this attorney accept major credit cards?
Yes, John D. Leidy will accept MasterCard and Visa.
How many attorneys are in this law firm?
Hornthal, Riley, Ellis & Maland, L.L.P. has 13 attorneys at this location.
What year was this attorney's law firm established?
Hornthal, Riley, Ellis & Maland, L.L.P. was established in 1985.
Is this attorney listed in the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers?
John D. Leidy is listed in the Business Law, Construction Law, Corporate Law, Criminal Trial Practice, Education Law, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Real Estate Law, Tax Law, Trusts and Estates and Wills and Probate section of the Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers.
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Areas of LAW

  • Employment
  • Litigation
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Wrongful Termination

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