ABOUT Julia M Kolsrud

Does this attorney offer any legal services for a flat fee?
Yes, Julia M Kolsrud offers fixed fees for certain legal services.
Does this attorney accept major credit cards?
Yes, Julia M Kolsrud will accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard and Visa.
How many attorneys are in this law firm?
May, Potenza, Baran & Gillespie, P.C. has 14 attorneys at this location.
What law school did this attorney attend?
Julia M Kolsrud attended Arizona State University and Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law.
What year was this attorney's law firm established?
May, Potenza, Baran & Gillespie, P.C. was established in 2004.

Areas of LAW

  • Administrative
  • Appellate Practice
  • Constitutional
  • Litigation

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