Order of the Coif. Articles Editor, Vanderbilt University Law Review, 1982-83. Law Clerk to Honorable Mary M. Schroeder, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, 1983-84. Co-Author: Consent and Health Information Resource Manual, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, 2009; Arizona HIPAA Privacy Tool Kit Compliance Guide, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, 2002; HIPAA Preemption of Arizona Law: Analysis and Application, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, 2001; "Lobbying and Election Law: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You," Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association webinar (2012) (with Sam Coppersmith, Coppersmith Schermer & Brockelman PLC); "Peer Review: Foundations, Law and Limits," Hospital Medical Staff Leadership Retreat presentation (2012); "Using Deferred Compensation to Incentivize Physicians to Take EMTALA Call," American Bar Association Health Law Section webinar (2012) (with Christopher Sears, Ice Miller, LLP); "The Supreme Court Rules on ACA: What Now?" Arizona Women Lawyers Association presentation (2012); "What's New in Peer Review Confidentiality and Reporting," Arizona Association of Medical Staff Services presentation (2012); "EMTALA: On-Call Physicians," Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association EMTALA Seminar (2011); "Data Bank Reporting Issues," Hospital Medical Staff and Administration presentation (2011); Quality Management" and "Reproductive/End of Life Issues" classes, Health Care Law course, Arizona State University College of Law (2007); "Conflict Credentialing: The New Hospital-Physician Relationship," Hospital Board of Trustees meeting (2007). Member, John P. Frank Memorial Lecture Advisory Committee, Arizona State University (2009-present). Listed in Best Lawyers in America for Health Care (1999-present) and Antitrust (2003-present); Super Lawyers (Southwest) for Health Care (2009-present); Best Lawyers Phoenix Lawyer of the Year for Health Care (2012).