Selected as one of "America's Top Lawyers"; Georgia Super Lawyers; Author of "Deposition and Trial Testimony in 'Med Mal' Litigation: A Survival Guide For Young Lawyers and Their Clients." American Bar Association's Health Law Litigation, Volume 9, Number 2, Spring/Summer 2011; Author of "Expertly Impeaching the Medical Expert." American Bar Association's Health Law Litigation, Volume 9, Number 1, Fall/Winter 2010; Co-Author: with Wiley A. Wasden III, "Recent Developments in Georgia Premises Liability Law: Criminal Activity Cases," Georgia Defense Lawyers Association, 1996; with Christopher A. Cosper: "The Impact of O.C.G.A.24-9-67.1 in Medical Malpractice Cases," Georgia Defense Lawyers Association's 2008 Journal. Presentation: "How to Avoid Malpractice Suits," CME Seminar, Augusta, GA, May 3, 2006, MAG Mutual Insurance; "Called to the Stand - You're on Trial, a Mock Trial Presentation," CME Seminar, November 7, 2007, Medical College of Georgia Physicians Group. Presentation and Paper: "Resources for Impeachment of Experts," ICLE, 23rd Annual Medical Malpractice Institute, December 1, 2007; "Impeachment," ICLE, "Georgia Foundations and Objections," Atlanta GA, March 19, 2008; "Deposition Testimony: A Survival Guide," CME Seminar, May 7, 2008, Medical College of Georgia Physicians Practice Group; "Sources of Impeachment Materials for use in the Examination of an Opposing Expert," 2008 MAG Mutual Insurance Co. Defense Attorney Seminar; "Your Medical Record Documentation: 'You're in the crosshairs - kill or cure?'," CME Seminar, November 19, 2008, The Physicians Practice Group Risk Management Committee. Speaker: "How to Avoid Malpractice Suits: Legal & Ethical Issues in Nephrology", 2011; James B. Hudson Nephrology Update and Georgia - South Carolina Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting, February 2011; "Building Your Civil Trial Skills", National Business Institute CLE, Augusta, GA, December 20, 2012; "What Plaintiffs' and Defense Lawyers Like and Don't Like About Mediation and Mediators"; Continuing Legal Education Dispute Resolution for Trial and Non-Trial Lawyers, Augusta, GA, May 2012; "Handling Experts-Yours and Your Opponent's", Georgia State Bar Mid Year Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 10, 2013. Diplomate in Medical Professional Liability, American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys.