Member, Board of Representatives, Stamford, Connecticut, 1970-1972. State Chairman, National Organization for Legal Problems in Education, 1974. Author: "Primer on Products Liability," Connecticut Law Tribune, 1977; "How to Grab the Jury's Attention in a Medical Case," Trial Diplomacy Journal, 1981-1982; "What It Means to be a Plaintiff's Lawyer," Connecticut Law Tribune, 1988; "The Case for the Plaintiff," Miami Review, 1988. Contributor: The Association of Trial Lawyers of America tape series: "Learn from the Masters," 1982; "Wrongful Death Litigation," 1983. Lecturer: "Proof of Damages," 1983— and "Dramatic Techniques in the Courtroom," 1983—, National College of Advocacy; "Giant Lies Come From Giant Insurance Companies," Australian Labor Lawyers Association, Adelaide, Australia, 1991; "The Training of Advocates in America," International Bar Association, Argentina, September 1988; Netherlands 2000 "History of the Contingency Fee in U.S., South African Association of Personal Injury Lawyers," 2001 - Trial Techniques. "Trial Preparation" and "Reasons to Be Proud," Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association. Member (President, 1993-1995), with Michael Koskoff "The Power of Plot" all day program, National Board of Trial Advocacy, 1988-2004. Member, Board of Directors, 2001—, Vice President, 2002-2003, President, 2003- 2004, and Chair, Catastrophic Injury Project, 2003—, Trial Lawyers Care (Lawyer Volunteer Organization).