Troy M. Anderson, our most recent addition to the practice, brings excitement and a careful eye for detail to the Law Offices of Shawn B. Hamp. A recent law school graduate, Mr. Anderson has now conducted dozens of trials and argued in numerous hearings. His courtroom skills were among the top in his graduating class at the University of Arizona, where he competed in and won various advocacy competitions. He now handles misdemeanor cases in municipal and county courts throughout Northwestern Arizona.
• Law Offices of Shawn B. Hamp - Associate Attorney, September 2017-present
• Pima County Attorney's Office
• Civil Division Law Clerk, September 2016-August 2017; Misdemeanor Unit Rule 38d Intern, March-May 2016.
• Pinal County Attorney's Office
• Rule 38d Intern, May-August 2016.
• Glendale City Prosecutor's Office
• Legal Extern, May-August 2015.
Publications/published opinions
• Fitting a Virtual Peg in a Round Hole: Why Existing International Law Fails to Govern Cyber Reprisals, 34.1 Ariz. J. Int'l Com. L. 135 (2017).
Professional Memberships
• Arizona Bar Association
• National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers